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A brief overview

Document created 11 September 2017, last updated 21 November 2017


The common thread: Nature and Planet Earth

Stories are welcome as long as they relate to nature, the environment, what happens there, and people's interactions with them.

Write and publish Documents (= stories)

Documents may include text, images, videos, PDFs. Contextual help is provided in the document creation form.

Documents should be written in a non-commercial manner. However mention of companies and services may be accepted as long as they remain limited and that they are part of quality content.

A document may include up to 99 images and 9 videos. The images that are not positioned within the text are displayed in the image gallery.

Each document is assigned to a category defined by a location and a theme in order to insert it in the navigation system. Authors should carefully select the appropriate category when they create or update a document.

Documents are reviewed by one of our editors for compliance with our editorial guidelines as outlined above. This is waived for authors who have several published documents.

Create Series to link related Documents together

Series may be particularly useful to cover a broad subject that can be subdivided in specific elements, or that develops over time.
Series are easy to identify and search in the navigation system. Documents that belong to a series link back to the other members of the same series.
The navigation system,  thanks to its categories of locations + themes, provides an  easy and effective way to structure series and to position the documents relative to each other.

Create Groups - Group work

Authors can create groups or apply to join one or several.
Groups may be used by organisations to make sure that the documents created by their members are easily identifiable.
Groups can also be created and used by people who, for instance, wish to keep in touch regarding an activity they share, or work in common on a given subject.
This website provides a number of tools that can be used for exchanges and collaboration within groups.

Create Projects and Campaigns

Projects and Campaigns are to groups what series are to individual authors.
Projects bring together documents that belong to a group and share a common aim or subject. Campaigns have the additional purpose of advocacy.

Make Comments

You need to be logged in to comment on documents.
It is possible to add one image and some references to a comment, in order to provide valuable additional information to readers, if necessary.


Coming up.
A debate is a group of documents that have been linked together because they reflect contrasting views on a given subject. Such documents may have been identified and linked by this website's editors, or have been created on purpose for debate by their authors.
Here again the navigation system makes it easy to identify debates and access the related documents. Documents within a debate link to each other.

Rate documents

Readers are invited to rate documents using a very simple scale that includes three choices
  • Great Doc signals the quality of the document itself (the writing, photos, etc)
  • Must Know indicates that the facts presented in the document should be widely known
  • Achievement underlines the quality and valuable outcome of the action reported in the story
In particular, ratings are used to sort documents in the headline pages ("Top Ratings").

Save Favorites

You need to be logged in to use Favorites.
For creating Favorites links are provided in the Headline Pages and in individual document pages. Favorites include categories (location + theme), authors, groups, series, projects and campaigns.

Contextual help is provided

The pages where information is created contain how-to inserts in the form of clickable orange square question marks that give access to information about the specific step considered.


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 Important information that should be widely known
 Great story (topic or presentation or both)
 Outstanding achievement by person or group as reported in story
