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The New Zealand Seabirds - Introduction

New Zealand is the "seabirds centre" of the world. It is possible to see here more seabirds than in any other country.

Document created 08 June 2003, last updated 16 January 2012

Map of main seabird locations in New Zealand   This map showsa the main sightseeing localities as well as the species to be observed.
Because of its extensive coastline and many inshore and offshore islands, as well as its well developed logistics, it is possible for the interested observer to see more seabirds here than in any other country. Three-quarters of the world's albatrosses, penguins, petrels and half the shearwaters and shags are to be found here along with numerous representatives of a number of other groups and, in addition, a good proportion of these can be viewed without going far offshore. New Zealand is reasonably easy for the seabird enthusiast to get around with a well developed transport and tourist infrastructure. In addition there a growing number of ecotourism operators including several that are specifically designed for the seabird enthusiast operating out of North, South and Stewart island ports.

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[wb1]  New Zealand Herald - 14 Jan 12 - In search of the elusive petrel - Auckland's Hauraki Gulf is home to rare and endangered seabirds that breed nowhere else on earth. Andrew Stone spent the day with a team of scientists aiming to shed more light on their existence.


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Map of main seabird locations in New Zealand This map showsa the main sightseeing localities as well as the species to be observed.
