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The Southern Alps (presentation)

Presentation of the longest and highest mountain range in New Zealand, and introduction to other documents created by our company.

Document created 15 July 2003, last updated 31 July 2003

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The Southern Alps are the longest and highest mountain range of New Zealand. They extend 550 km (340 miles) in a somewhat north-east to south-west orientation across the greatest length of the South Island, from the Blenheim area in the North to the Hollyford Valley (Key Summit) in the south. They include all New Zealand summits of over 3000 metres (9842'), all of which bar one (Mt Aspiring) are located in the Mt Cook area.

General character The Southern Alps are the longest and highest mountain range of New Zealand. They extend 550 km (340 miles) in a somewhat north-east to south-west orientation across the greatest length of the South Island, from the Blenheim area in the North to the Hollyford Valley (Key Summit) in the south. They include all New Zealand summits of over 3000 metres (9842'), all of which bar one (Mt Aspiring) are located in the Mt Cook area.
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